Dr. Fahad Saeed Awarded New $600k Research Grant

Faculty Award

Fahad Saeed

Professor Fahad Saeed has been awarded a new NSF grant as the sole PI of the project, titled “OAC Core: High-Performance Computing Algorithms and Software for Large-scale Mass Spectrometry-based Omics”, which totals $600,000 over three years. 

The project’s award abstract states: “This project will design and develop high-performance computational frameworks which will enable effective analysis of omics data produced from mass spectrometry machines. The proposed high-performance computing (HPC) techniques will enable the identification of novel peptides/proteins, and insights into microbiome communities and their effects on human health, agriculture, and environments. The proposed research and teaching activities will introduce students to high-performance computing, big data computational biology, and data-intensive computing.” More specifically, the project “will focus on the design and development of: (1) CPU-GPU based method for processing of large-scale MS-based omics with communication-avoiding parallel pipelines; (2) methods for exploiting multiple GPUs on single node which is extended to memory-distributed CPU-GPU nodes on supercomputing machines; (3) hardware/software co-designs using CPU-FPGA architectures. This computational infrastructure will allow scientists to use large heterogeneous supercomputers, and the development of hardware/software designs will enable us to incorporate semiconductor designs directly on mass spectrometry machines.”

The project’s full abstract can be found at https://www.nsf.gov/awardsearch/showAward?AWD_ID=2312599

Professor Saeed’s research continues to make significant contributions to the field of biocomputing. In this case, he will explore the use of high-performance computing techniques and hybrid computing architectures (with CPUs, GPUs, and FPGAs) to analyze large-scale mass spectrometry-based omics.