The Knight Foundation School of Computing and Information Sciences maintains a data center, research and instructional labs, and computer classroom facilities. These facilities are housed in the Computing, Arts and Science Education (CASE) (Formally Engineering and Computer Science (ECS)) and PG6 Tech Station buildings on the Modesto A. Maidique Campus located in Miami, Fl. The facilities are maintained by a dedicated professional IT support staff. You can obtain assistance by emailing or visiting our Technical Support office in CASE 258 during business hours.

The School provides computing services such as a file, computer, web, email, messaging, backup, print, and other computing services. Our networking services include a 10 Gigabit Ethernet core network that interconnects rack mounted switches and servers. All school desktop systems are connected by 1 Gigabit switched ports. Our network is highly redundant with multiple fibers and copper paths and is designed with routing fail-over capacity. We provide automated monitoring of our network and servers 24×7. The building subscribes to the university 802.11 WiFi network and the Knight Foundation School of Computing and Information Sciences maintains a legacy research WiFi network. Our network interconnects at 10GBs to the campus backbone, which provides a 10GBs connection to the NAP of the Americas to provide for connections to Internet, Internet2, Florida and National Lambda Rail, and CLARA (South American Research) networks.
The Knight Foundation School of Computing and Information Sciences operates numerous laboratories for use by its students in Computer Science and Information Technology programs. Each lab computer typically contains a standard Windows 10 image that contains the necessary instructional support software. Available for instruction is a virtual node computing system hosted on multi-core servers, utilizing VMware, Xen and Virtual box for virtualization. Students can log-in remotely into several Linux and Solaris file and computer servers. The lab provides students with tables to utilize their own laptops, large LCD displays where students can connect their laptops to collaborate with others, and connect to the campus network via campus WiFi services.
Internet access is available from all FIU student residence halls, off-campus access is available via private ISP to Linux/Unix student file systems and computer servers 24/7 via ssh, sftp or scp.
Our systems feature a variety of open source, commercial development, and scientific software products from numerous vendors including IBM, Microsoft, ESRI, MathWorks, etc. We provide middleware technologies to support web services. Our environment takes advantage of hundreds of open source software solutions including Apache with full mods, PHP, Perl, and many others. Many of our shared infrastructures provide virtualization services.
In addition, students may receive free software to assist them with their instructional and home computing environment. Via the Microsoft Image Program (formerly DreamSpark) students receive Visual Studio.NET, MS SQL Server, IIS Server, and other OS/Desktop products. Microsoft Office Suite is available from FIU’s Microsoft Campus Office agreement. McAfee Antivirus software is available to all students to help students maintain a safe personal computing environment.

CASE 241 – John C. Comfort Collabrium – Open Lab Hours: 24 hours, 7 days a week
(48) Dell Precision T1700, 8 Core i7-3770 3.4ghz, 16gb ram, 256gb ssd hdd, nVidia Quardo 600, 1gb to desktop, single 24in display.
Learn more about John C. Comfort Collabrium Lab
This multimedia enabled lecture room provides up to 25 seats for student groups to use to solve in class assignments. The room contains lecture recording and streaming capabilities via Sonic Foundry MediaSite.
(12) Dell Precision T1500, Quad Core i7-860 2.8ghz, 4gb ram, 250gb hdd, nVidia Quardo NVS295, dual 19in or single 24in display
(2) Apple iMac 27 Quad Core i7 2.8ghz, ATI Radeon HD 4850, 4gb, 1tb hdd, 8x Superdrive
(2) 42” Display LCD Monitors for group projects
49 Dell workstations configured with an Intel Core i7-4790, 16 GB DDR3, Nvidia Quadro K620 2GB and 22” HD display and 256 GB Solid State Drive.
Students use these systems to complete in-class assignments and receive state-of-the-art systems training.
The lab provides 24 Dell workstations system equipped as above with upgraded 29” HD wide-screen display, ideal for software development requirements. The WiFi supported open meeting areas for students provides a convenient place to complete course work or have a group meeting.
The lab provides technology students hands-on skills training on a variety of computing equipment/tools to integrate hardware and software systems. Students working in pairs using specialized hardware tools to manipulate motherboards, power supplies, interface cards, RAM, hard drives and other computing components. The lab has 3D printing capabilities to manufacture cases and other parts needed. At each of the 13 work benches, there is a Dell workstation (as specified in PG6 105) to use for reference during a lab activity. The lab also contains Cisco routers, switches, and KVMs necessary to manage WANs and other network systems which can support ad-hoc networking instruction.
The five Team and conference room provides collaboration support for courses where student teams are developing large projects and provide a relaxed environment for peer study group sessions. Each room contains a 70” HD LCD Display which uses a Crestron system to wirelessly and simultaneously display the output of up to four devices, that are running either Windows, Mac OS, Android or iOS.
Established in 2015 as in instructional and research visualization laboratory for faculty and students at Florida International University. Located on the MMC Campus in Miami, Florida. Our integrated-CAVE or I-CAVE™ will allow for interactive visualization for student and instructor projects. The facility along with computer support will be available for use by students and instructors in all departments from anthropology and astronomy to visual arts and zoology. The system will be provided as a resource for students and instructors at the university to use. We provide standard software information for basic 2-D and 3-D visualization including animations, videos, graphics software, and 3D modeling.
A free printing service is provided to the students taking courses in the Knight Foundation School of Computing & Information Sciences. The printers are automatically added to your profile upon login and are located in various location such as in CASE 141 (called ilab), CASE 241 (called venom), and CASE 243 (called np237).
Tutoring Service
Tutoring is offered free of charge to all students enrolled in courses offered by the Knight Foundation School of Computing and Information Sciences. Our tutors are undergraduate and graduate students who have generously offered to volunteer their time to help others. See our tutoring information here:
The Knight Foundation School of Computing and Information Sciences at Florida International University maintains computer labs for use by students enrolled in computer science and information technology classes offered by the School. Students taking such a course may use an account (described below) to use the lab. CIS establishes these policies to provide a secure, consistent and effective learning environment while ensuring that computer and information resources are used appropriately. This policy document applies only to the labs maintained by the Knight Foundation School of Computing and Information Sciences and all users of ours. Please note that this document is subject to change and will be reviewed and updated from time to time. Failure to abide by these policies may result in the loss of computing privileges or possible disciplinary action.
The CIS Academic Labs are staffed and managed directly by the Knight Foundation School of Computing and Information Sciences. Technical Support Staff are hired by the school to assist students in the labs with account and system issues. Staff can be found in CASE 258 during business hours. Lab users can obtain technical support or pose a general question by sending an email to Steve Luis, CIS Director for Technology ( oversees all operations of the CIS Academic Labs and is responsible for the staffing and maintenance of the labs.

The CIS academic computer labs are open at the times listed above and closed for national holidays and other FIU important dates including Winter and Summer breaks. The labs may also be closed for special maintenance and cleaning.
Obtaining Accounts:
Each semester, students have issued accounts in the CIS computer labs based on course enrollment. Students receive an account automatically at the beginning of each term if they are enrolled in a CIS course which is eligible to use our labs. Students who drop courses will have their computer accounts disabled. All undergraduate accounts are disabled and recreated at the beginning of each semester. Graduate accounts are carried over from semester to semester.
A student who is “auditing” a course, finishing work to satisfy an incomplete or is working on a project that is not related to a specific course can have an account enabled in the labs with the approval and by request of their sponsoring faculty. The sponsoring faculty will need to request the account on behalf of the student by sending an email to
CIS faculty can have accounts enabled in any CIS lab on request. In many cases, accounts are pre-existent. Please contact Technical Support if you require assistance in gaining access to a CIS computer lab.
NOTE: Accounts generally require 24-48 hours to be created. Please allow sufficient time for us to process your request.
Account Sharing:
Accounts in the CIS environment are assigned to individuals for the purposes of completing coursework, instruction or support of CIS. THE SHARING OF CIS COMPUTER ACCOUNTS IS PROHIBITED. Further, it is your responsibility not to share your account or your password with any other student. The lab reserves the right to revoke account access if account use is not consistent with the guidelines stated in this document.
Logging Off:
All computer lab users must log off after they have finished their computer sessions. This is to protect your account and our system from mischievous users. Workstations that run Windows are configured to automatically log out users after they have been idle for 15 minutes. Any unsaved work WILL BE LOST. Individual users are responsible to keep their data secure by locking or logging out of lab workstations. Users who are not aware of proper logoff procedures should contact a Lab Assistant for help.
Conduct and Harassment:
Users engaging in improper or disruptive behavior including yelling, swearing, and using inappropriate language will be asked to leave the labs. Additionally, the display of offensive material on websites or computer wallpaper is prohibited. Students and Lab Staff are equally held responsible to refrain from offensive conduct and to report it when it is encountered.
If you have a specific problem that you feel is not being resolved please contact the CIS Director of Technology (noted above). All rules and guidelines listed in the Florida International University student and University employee handbooks will be followed regarding improper conduct or harassment.
Users are expected to dress appropriately, as this is a public environment. Users dressed improperly will not be admitted to the labs.
No food or drink is allowed in the computer labs. Water bottles with sports lids are the only exception. Please use the trash receptacles outside of the lab to discard your unwanted food items to prevent order in the lab.
All users must wear headphones when listening to music. The volume of the listening device must be kept low enough as not to distract other lab users.
Cell Phones and Pagers:
To maintain a comfortable environment for all users, cell phones and pagers brought into the Labs should be set to “silent” mode. Additionally, cell phone calls should be kept short and quiet. If conversations are lengthy or become loud or disruptive, they should be taken outside of the Labs.
Children and Babies:
It is not permissible to bring children or babies to the CIS Computer Labs.
Use of Resources
Hardware and Software
Lab equipment is to be used for academic purposes only. Users are only permitted to use the computer systems in the CIS labs as they are configured and maintained. With the exception of headphones and portable media, additional equipment may not be added to any computer system. The installation, removal or the addition of any other hardware item is not permitted. If a computer peripheral or component is malfunctioning please contact technical support at Swapping components or peripherals, including cables, is not permitted. All software available on each computer has been tested and licensed for use in the labs. Restrictions are imposed which prohibit the installation of software.
If your coursework or research requires a piece of hardware or an application that is not available, you should consult with your instructor. Your instructor can help you assess whether there is an available alternative and they can work with staff to assess whether and how to meet your hardware or application need.
Printer services are provided in the CIS computer labs in support of academic research or coursework. At this time there is no print quota being enforced, however, students who abuse lab printing services will be contacted and may lose the right to print in the CIS computer labs. If the material you are printing is not academically related, you are asked to refrain from printing.
Lab printers support all users of the lab, so we ask that you limit your print jobs to 30 or fewer pages. If you need to send large print jobs please consult the technical staff and they can help you print the job efficiently. You are urged to be conservative and print only what you need and do not abandon your print jobs.
Some materials are not permitted to be printed:
- Material that contains adult content
- Copyrighted material
- Material for business-related purposes or financial gain
- Excessive amounts of flyers or handouts
- Manuals, guides or books
Users are not permitted to interfere with the operation of any lab printer including loading paper, repairing jams or changing toner. If a printer needs servicing, please contact a technical staff or email to
Upon login, all Windows accounts are connected to a U:\ drive. This is the Windows “home” directory and is the only location for storing work from CIS lab accounts. Each student has a 1gb quota on the server. If you exceed your quota, you will not be able to save any additional work. Please work to keep a “clean house” and delete unneeded documents or files.
The C:\temp directory is open for write; however, all files in that directory are DELETED AT EACH LOGOUT. Please use your U:\ as the directory is backed up daily. Backups are kept for two weeks and are created primarily for the purpose of catastrophic recovery, however, we can restore files that are stored on the network share within the last two weeks, and that was on the disk for at least 24 hours. You are urged to keep backups of your own work.
There are various UNIX computer servers available to graduates and undergraduates and access is provided to students enrolled in courses which require the use of services on these servers. A complete listing of all servers that are open to student connections can be found at
Technical Staff are not permitted to help students with homework assignments. Students must direct all homework questions to their professor.