The National Science Foundation recently awarded a research grant to Dr. Farhad Shirani to lead a research project in Energy-Efficient Millimeter Wave Wireless Networks. The project addresses the urgent need for energy-aware solutions to mm-wave transceiver design via novel transceiver architectures, circuit blocks and design techniques, and associated communication strategies.
The project, entitled, “Collaborative Research: CCSS: Towards Energy-Efficient Millimeter Wave Wireless Networks: A Unified Systems and Circuits Framework,” totals $250,000 over three years. Within the project, Dr. Shirani will tightly integrate research with a significant education and outreach program consisting of focus areas in student training and disseminating research outcomes in the forms of new curricular development and student involvement.
Shirani is partnered with Dr. Hamidreza Aghasi at the University of California, Irvine, as a research collaborator. Dr. Aghasi will also receive $250,000 in research funding for the project.
The full abstract can be found at https://www.nsf.gov/awardsearch/showAward?AWD_ID=2242700.