Dr. Monique Ross received a new subcontract as Co-PI of an NSF award led by Penn State University. This is a three year project with a budget total of approximately $41.5k to FIU. Here’s a description of the project:
In collaboration with Penn State University, we proposed addressing the lack of scholarly work about postdoctoral development (of engineering and computer science) through the lens of intersectionality and mentorship across three aims. Aim 1 seeks to characterize the knowledge, skills, competencies, and attributes that postdoctoral scholars should develop through their appointments. Aim 2 will investigate narratives of postdoctoral socialization and competency development from the points of view of postdoctoral advisors and postdoctoral scholars from same- and cross- gender and race dyads. Aim 3 will use natural language processing methods to compare findings with available resources for postdoctoral mentorship and supervision. This study is framed through two theoretical lenses. Leader-member exchange theory focuses on the transactional nature of dyads in supervisory working relationships. Intersectionality theory recognizes the inherent power and positioning associated with race while also acknowledging the amplified complexity that exists for those that are situated at the intersection of race and gender. Expected results include that mentorship plans in general do not address diversity, equity, and inclusion, or suggestions to help faculty build diversity in their postdoctoral scholars and that postdoctoral mentorship resources for engineering and CS departments may not emphasize the opportunities and potential difficulties that come with cross-gender and/or cross-race mentorship relationships. Deliverables for this project include workshops and resources to improve postdoctoral mentoring experiences for both postdocs and their mentors.
The NSF award link is https://nsf.gov/awardsearch/showAward?AWD_ID=2011110.